B2b2c Case study

Industry : Solar Light & street light

Product: Company intends to be the world leader in energy based product innovation for the developing countries. We are setting the standard for energy efficient products like solar street lighting system using a combination of lithium-ion battery combined with solar, LED and advanced electronics technology. We provide high quality and reliable solutions at affordable price


Company Location : India

Target Market : Retail users & B2B users such as builders ,Govt.deptt.

Target Customers & Buyers: Individual users , home buyers builders ,Govt.contractors

Company Location : India


Sales Target : To build a sales channel via network of distributors and dealers who are financially capable to invest & have connects and contacts with local govt. contractors and builders across chosen states and cities.

Problem :
1. How and where to find the distributors with the required profile
2. How to convince them to become their distributor and invest their money into a new company and new product.

Without a good distributor it becomes hard for the company to convince the dealers to push the product into the market as the company has no prior connects and does not enjoy the rust and confidence of both distributors and dealers

Scope of GlobalSalesWeb.: Providing sales pros. from electrical products sales who have built connects and contacts with distributors and dealers over a period of time during their exposure in sales.


They enjoy the trust , faith and confidence of these sellers ,they know and understand the market beside s they develop and implement the sales strategy for local markets /states and countries for various companies

Sales Strategy: To create a team of sales pros. from the electrical & electronic sales function district-wise and build a "SALES ENGINE" for the company .

That generates and shares a profile of distributors to help identify the best one setup meetings , appointments ,presentations in various city /states/countries & help in sales closures.

This helps in creating a network of distributors and dealers along with lead generation and sales closures for the company.

Result: With the help of GlobalSalesWeb it became easy to generate the leads due to the relationship and trust the sales pros.enjoyed with the decision makers which made it easy for not only to break the ice but easy sell leading to high demand in their market.

GlobalSalesWeb Provided company With An Opportunity to develop a network of distributors and dealers

  • Minimum Cost
  • Shortest Possible Time Frame
  • 400% increase in Pipeline
  • 200% increase in Sales Productivity
  • 70% reduced Sales Cost
  • 100% increase in Sales Win Rate
  • 200% increase in Sales Revenue

Close Sales Deals 4 times Faster

Enter & Grow demand in New Territories 5 Times Faster Pace

  • Scale at will Connect With As Many Customers As they Wanted
  • Where & when they Wanted

Up – To 70% Reduced Sales Cost

  • Reduce Sales Cycle, Sales Cost, Sales Effort Up-To X 4 Or More
  • Reduced Sales Establishment Cost Thereby Enhancing Profits